white light
white light
white light
white light

The Legend of Squonk

In the heart of the Enchanted ​Forest, there existed a creature ​unlike any other. Known as ​Squonk, this mystical being was ​a symbol of melancholy and ​wisdom. Legends say that ​Squonk was born from the ​tears of the ancient spirits who ​once ruled the forest. These ​spirits, witnessing the sorrows ​of the world, shed tears that ​crystallized into the first ​Squonk. It is said that Squonk ​carries within it the ​knowledge and emotions of ​these spirits, making it a ​creature of profound empathy ​and insight.

Squonk is a small, wrinkled ​creature with skin that ​appears to be perpetually ​damp from its tears. Despite ​its seemingly sorrowful ​demeanor, those who have ​encountered Squonk speak ​of its gentle heart and ​deep understanding of the ​forest and its inhabitants. ​Squonk's eyes, large and ​soulful, reflect the depths ​of its ancient wisdom, and ​its presence brings a sense ​of calm to those around ​it.

The creation of the ​Squonk meme coin is ​rooted in a prophecy. ​Ancient runes foretold ​the rise of a digital ​token that would ​embody the spirit of ​Squonk, bringing ​together a community ​of individuals who ​value empathy, wisdom, ​and mutual support. The ​Squonk coin is more ​than just a digital asset; ​it is a symbol of the ​values that Squonk ​represents.

white light


Sprite Fairy Silhouette.

1. Thou shalt prepay the DEX with 25,000 in market coin.

2. Verily, burneth half of the development wallet at ​the King of the Hill."

3. Smite Ray and prepay for advertisements on the DEX.

4. Bestow the remainder of the development wallet ​unto the keepers of lore.